This is a Jitsu.Classic documentation. For the lastest version, please visit Read about differences here.

šŸ“œ Configuration

Configuration UI

šŸ‘©ā€šŸ”¬ Extending Jitsu

Destination Extensions
Source Extensions
API Specs

Jitsu Internals

Jitsu Server

Parameters Reference

Both in npm based and snippet version Jitsu accepts the same set of paratemers. The only difference is naming: param_name in npm package should be referenced as data-param-name in HTML snippet EventNative accepts the following parameters.



key *

Required. API key How to get API key


If not set, Jitsu will do the best attempt to detect it automatically. For HTML snippet - script location host will be used. For npm package, is a default host


Name of tracking cookie (__eventn_id by default)


Domain of the tracking cookie (by default this is location.hostname with any www. subdomain removed)


If set to true, Jitsu will automatically listen to Segment's analytics.js events and collect them.


If set to true, Jitsu will send events on a dynamic endpoint. It allows avoiding ad blockers.


If event JSON should have a structure compatible with an old version. Read more about compat mode in Migration Guide


['keep', 'comply', 'strict'] values are supported. keep value is default. keep - Jitsu extracts client IP address and stores it in every analytics event in 'source_ip' field. strict - Jitsu replaces last octet in client IP address with '1' on the backend side. like -> comply - Jitsu detects client country with MaxMind (if MaxMind isn't provided the behavior will be like in strict mode) if client is from EU or UK then the behavior will be like in strict mode. Otherwise like in keep mode. Read more about Privacy Policy


['keep', 'comply', 'strict'] values are supported. keep value is default. keep - Jitsu writes identification cookies and recognizes users with it. strict - Jitsu doesn't write any cookies (including identification cookies and persistent properties). Instead of cookies, Jitsu will use fingerprinting ( hash(client ip + user agent) function). comply - Jitsu detects client country with MaxMind (if MaxMind isn't provided the behavior will be like in strict mode) if client is from EU or UK then the behavior will be like in strict mode. Otherwise like in keep mode. Read more about Privacy Policy


This parameter is just shortcut for strict configuration of cookie_policy and ip_policy. If set to strict value, cookie_policy and ip_policy will be set strict. Read more about Privacy Mode


This parameter forces SDK to use the fetch implementation (custom or default) even in browser


(Not available as data- parameter in embedded environment; available only in npm lib)

This parameter adds custom headers to each request. Can be either a static object (Record<string, string>) or a function that returns an object