This is a Jitsu.Classic documentation. For the lastest version, please visit Read about differences here.

πŸ“œ Configuration

Configuration UI

πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Extending Jitsu

Destination Extensions
Source Extensions
API Specs

Jitsu Internals

Jitsu Server

Jitsu Server Architecture

Jitsu Server is a standalone application that doesn't have any requirements such as an inner database or others. Simultaneously some features (e.g. event caching) need Redis, but these features are optional.

Jitsu processing pipeline


Event β€” an incoming message as a JSON object. Message can be sent to Jitsu via API or JavaScript library.

Destination β€” usually a database, but can be a different type of service as well. The destination is a service that contains structured records and supports an INSERT-like statement. Google analytics measurment protocol is an example of a non-DB destination. It has structured records (events) and an INSERT-like interface.

Table β€” a table in DB or any other structure within the destination.

BatchHeader β€” describes a structure of batch: fields and types along with table name.

Destination modes

Jitsu's destination can operate in two modes:

Stream β€” data (events) is being sent to a destination as soon as possible.

Batch β€” data is being written to local disk and sent to a destination in batches, once in N (configurable) minutes.

First Step

Once an event is accepted by the HTTP end-point it undergoes the Context Enrichment step. The logic is different for different sources of events. The purpose of this event is to add additional information to the event which can be useful for further processing. After JSON is enriched it goes to Batch or/and Stream pipeline depending on destination type. Partially multiplexing happens here. If destinations config contains destinations of both types, the event will be sent to both routes.

Also only_keys filtering is applied.

Batch and Stream pipelines are different, however, they have the same logical steps.

Context Enrichment Step

In this step, events are enriched with context data:

  • Add IP from where the request came from (/source_ip field)
  • Add UTC timestamp (/_timestamp field)
  • Add generated UUID (/eventn_ctx_event_id field)
  • If request is processed by JavaScript endpoint - read and add user-agent header (/user_agent field)
  • If request is processed by Server API - add api value (/src field)

Lookup Enrichment Step

During this step Enrichment rules are applied. Enrichment rule is a function F(src_node) β†’ dst_node. It is configured in the destination section of the Jitsu configuration. Also, there are two default enrichment rules that are applied to JavaScript events.

Transformation and Mapping Step

In this step, all configured mappings are applied to a JSON object and as a result, BatchHeader is generated. Read about JavaScript Transformation and Schema and Mappings configuration. After all mappings are applied, JSON is flattened, and all special characters and spaces in field names are replaced with underscores. Also values types recognition happens here, read about Typecast.